my dance with syta

...because the earth is moving, the world is turning upside down and dance will be last forever...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

When the pulse pounding rush...

We fall in love, hold hands, kiss and stuff even. We can never get enough of that pulse pounding rush when we're with the one we love.

But, yes, sometimes things aren’t not going well… Or yes, you’ve met someone that you think that he is better than your love presently. And everything is running mess. You hook up with two of them in the same time, you are starting to compare one to another, just to find someone that could fulfill your expectation of an ideal relationship. Every minute counts, and parting is such sweet sorrow. This is a part that you hate… A part when you have to make a decision and let them know what the decision you have.

I will never wanting to irritate people I love. It’s the latest thing in my life that I would do.
But just remember…

When you love people, you respect them and honor them enough to give them all the information they need to make sound decisions. That is their right, don't take that freedom away from them. While you are afraid to hurt them with your truth, you also cannot forget that they can handle it. You respect and have faith that they can. How they respond to your truth is not your problem. It doesn't matter so much how well your message is received, as how well your message is sent. There is a loving way of telling your truth, no matter how painful it can be to someone else. On the overall scheme of things, you would have done the honorable thing.

You deserve to love and be loved madly, deeply, truly

Sometimes we forget just how much power we have over our lives. Choice is that power and acting on those choices to achieve a desired goal.
There's no such thing as right or wrong, there is only the question of what you want and what serves you. At every moment in your life, it is so important to ask yourself:
Is this me?
What do I want?
What will make me happy?
Sometimes you will have to give up joys that are temporary to achieve the end you desire. Sometimes, things are really bad and you have to make a choice to get out of situations for your own survival. Sometimes, things are good but not as great as you had dreamed, and you'll still have to make a choice -- do you want to settle for this? Or do you want more?
Always, you deserve more. Always, you can reach even higher, to shoot for the stars. Always, you must make room for more happiness, more meaning, more fulfillment, more peace, more love to enter your life. In romantic situations, you deserve to love and be loved madly, deeply, truly.
Half-ways won't work because you will always hunger for the ultimate experience. Nothing less will really make you happy. Some choices will hurt. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Because you know that you were meant to have an extraordinary life, filled with extraordinary encounters, relationships and experiences. And when you reach the point of choice, it is important to remember that you must release the present to make way for the better future; to allow it to come in.

Ps: Cris, just be sure that we are the one who’s in charged in our lives!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gigi Geraham Bungsuku

I will make my confessions….

I am here, the 25th year old charming lady with a good health and well-physics condition… never have a chicken pox for whole my life ever!

Should I be thankful for this? Absolutely yes. But some cases are happening around by now and its terrifying me enough to be suffers of this illness… Two of my friends whom definitely have some age with me are having their chicken pox now. They said soon or later, you will get that chicken pox in your life period. It’s good to get it when you were a child, but could be risky and truly awful if you suffer of it when you are adult. It will cause long-term mark to your skin. How horrible!

Confession number 2… I don’t have my gigi geraham bungsu yet. They are supposed to be there when you are 21st or 22nd of age, but, mm… it’s little bit confusing, since on my age now there are still no indication from them to grow at all…

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer and thinking about how it could be happen to me, still believe I am in a good condition and whatever will be, just will be… :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

PR dari si Ronn....

Pesan si Ronn:
cyt,You've BEEN
TAGGED, u have to say 5
things that you love to
eat before you die – OKE

Ice Creams
Since it’s my favorite baby ever… :)
I will start with the original chocolate… and rum raisin, and green tea, and something with bailey on it… a little taste of kahlua… and get drunk by them! Hwaaa….

Durian Monthong
…The king of fruit!!! Dari appetizer, langsung ke dessert… Biarin aja ga pake aturan, khan ceritanya udah mo mati…
Saya akan order yang terbaik, yang bijinya kecil dan dagingnya tebel, yang warnanya menggoda (sebenarnya warna tidak terlalu penting, tapi ini khan durian terakhir…) dan mengandung alcohol tingkat tinggi… Yummy!

Kepiting Saus Padang
Hmmmm… Cara makannya yang susah dan keorisinalitas rasanya yang bikin ingusan akan jadi kenangan yang indah kalau saya sudah tak berada di dunia fana ini lagi...

Balado Ikan Kembung A la Mama
Biasanya pasangannya sama sayur bayam bening. Entah mengapa, ikan balado buatan mama saya tak tertandingi dari sekian banyak warteg yang saya datangi. Ditambah suasana rumah saya yang homey banget… Uuh… I will totally regret if I ever miss this one!

Masakan Yang Dibuatin Sama Pacar Saya
Hiks… agak ironic, memang. 'Coz I don’t even find him yet. Tapi pasti rasanya senang… Menjelang mati… ada orang yang dengan special memasakkan sesuatu untuk saya. Menikmati makanan yang dibuat dengan penuh kasih sayang dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan-kegiatan kasih sayang yang lain…. Wek!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sakit-Sakit Enak.... :)


Saya habis donor darah. Untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup saya.

Ternyata donor darah enak, ga sakit (Oke… sebenarnya sakit-sakit enak, sie. :P). Dan dari list yang menyumbangkan darah, saya jadi tahu bahwa ternyata sayalah satu-satunya orang di kantor saya yang punya golongan darah AB. Artinya, kalau terjadi apa-apa sama saya, tak ada bantuan secara langsung yang dapat diharapkan dari teman-teman kantor.

Tak apa… at least, bila tiba waktunya, darah saya akan membantu seseorang di luar sana yang sedang bersusah payah mencari darah bergolongan AB untuk menyelamatkan hidupnya.

Ini berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. Dua tahun yang lalu, saya sakit keras dan jauh dari keluarga. Saya sampai harus menunggu 2 hari untuk memperoleh 2 kantung darah plasma bergolongan AB dari PMI. Itu pun setelah membayar 500 ribu rupiah! Fiuh… Apa selangka itu golongan darah AB??

Oh iya.. ternyata pula I’ve found out bahwa kantor saya juga sangat royal. Dengan hanya menyumbangkan darah sebanyak 250 cc, saya memperoleh satu piring indomie, satu telur rebus, satu gelas susu coklat (yang tidak saya habiskan…uek…saya khan benci susu!), 2 buah roti Holland Bakery, sepuluh butir Sangobion penambah darah, satu tube CDR dan satu kotak nasi goreng GM. Mmmm… Darah saya langsung full lagi, deh! :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Cirque Contemporain Convergence 1.0

Seperti yang sudah saya beritakan di post sebelumnya (halaaahh…), dua malam yang lalu saya jadi kencan di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.. Ehm.
This is our first date and I was so amazed of everything!

Judul di invitationnya adalah “Cirque Contemporain Convergence 1.0 – Perancis”. Tapi jangan pernah sekali-sekali membayangkan trapezze, lions or monkeys… because the show was totally different!

Hanya ada 2 pemain disana, si pria melakukan gerakan akrobatik dan ballet sementara seorang wanita memainkan bass betot (atau harpa?) di sudut panggung. Good lightings, strange illusions, good music illustrator… I felt like I was living in other planet!
Ceritanya si pria terobsesi dengan sebuah bola, yang pada akhirnya membawa dia ke dunia lain, tempat dimana bola-bola berkuasa. Begitu berkuasanya hingga akhirnya bola-bola bernyawa itu merasuki si pria dan membuat ia kehilangan pengendalian dirinya. Sangat dramatis, lucu dan menghibur.

The very best thing is my companion… Cowok gaul yang begitu datang langsung sibuk mingle sana-sini dan disapa sana-sini juga. Cute, calm, blend and gentle. Just right!

Dengan demikian, menonton show-show teaterikal sepertinya akan menjadi salah satu kesenangan saya juga. Lupakan sejenak gempita di club-club malam dan film-film Hollywood di Premiere, find a perfect partner dan being just another you in another place could be very exciting!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Zzzzz... Cletuk! ...Akhirnya...


Saya ngantuk….

Tadi malam, sehabis berenang 10 lap dan ikut seminar di Shangri-La yang berakhir jam 10 malam, saya pergi ke Tennis Indoor Senayan, untuk nonton 3 lagu terakhir Westlife, group band Irlandia yang (ehm..) penontonnya ABG semua.

Dengan perut yang merintih-rintih kelaparan, saya dan beberapa teman terpaksa makan di Hilton yang coffee shopnya masih cukup enak buat dijadikan tongkrongan jam11 malam keatas. Saya makan semangkuk Tom Yam Goong, yang ternyata pada keesokan paginya bereaksi hebat di sel-sel perut saya (again).


Seperti bermimpi, setelah itu saya balik ke Shangri-La lagi (Hey, saya merasakan dejavu saat itu), karena ternyata si band Irlandia yang bahkan saya tak tahu nama-nama personelnya itu melakukan hajatan ‘after-play-party’. It just a small amount of people, whom circling billiard pool with a glass of cocktail by their hands…


Sambil terkantuk-kantuk saya ikut-ikutan bermain dart game. Lemparan yang sama sekali tidak bagus, mengingat sebagian pikiran (dan tubuh) saya sudah berada di tempat tidur yang besar di rumah).


Teman-teman saya menarik saya ke bawah. Downstair. Istilah kerennya ‘menyebar beras’ (saking banyaknya ayam yang beredar disana). Hmmm… sayang sekali ayam jantan pada ga ada. Saya jadi makin ngantuk….

Akhirnya… Zzz… Saya dilarikan pulang ke rumah saya jam 4 subuh. Salah satu teman saya ikut, memaksa saya untuk berbagi ranjang. Ya sutralah, saya toh sudah sangat mengantuk…

Saya baru tidur jam 6 pagi. Dan bangun tepat satu jam kemudian. Teman saya bercerita panjang lebar kali tinggi semalaman, tentang kehidupannya yang membabi-buta di Singapore. Saya bahkan tidak sempat memejamkan mata saya.

Ogh… Zzzzz… Sekarang saya bahkan sudah akan jatuh tertidur.

Diantara Berita Acara yang bertebaran di meja, diantara dering telepon, diantara… Zzzz… Saya sudah setengah bermimpi…

If I get a toe crushed by a closing door...

Be kind to even those who cannot be kind to you.
I know I am not the best of people to be around. I have no claim to maturity because by all respects, I am just me. I'll be honest and say that there are words that exist that can piss me off, or sadden me. And there are words that can do otherwise.
Such is the power of words is it not?
I know how much words can affect people. A person's day is affected by what is said to her.
"Thank you"
"I'm sorry"
"Please take care"
These words soothe and heal. With or without a sincere intention, these words can make a day for a person.
Most people take for granted the difference these words can make.
"Fuck you"
These are meant to hurt. With or without malignant intentions, these were meant to assault or demoralize. Yeah, to some it has lost the stigma and has become a by-word. And by all accounts, when that happens it's just a normal thing to say and is just a subject for laughs.
But now, I have promised myself not to use them anymore, even for the fact that I rarely utter them. Silly as it may sound, let's just say losing a fault is never a bad thing.
Hopefully, those words won't come out even if I get a toe crushed by a closing door ...
Ps: Thank u for Q. Montejo and Ab#*us Indonesia, the best place to find the unshown words from the unshown people...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I am the hitchhiker

Today, I will join the seminar at Shangri-La. Halah… Sok keren banget! But the topic sounds cool; “Touring the World by Hitchhiking from a Dream to Reality”. So me, huh? By the time I heard this topic, I totally remembered how I became a hitchhiker when I was in college. My friends there (they are really stupid, but love them a lot) habitually offered my self to stranger who riding a car alone, just to get us ride. Usually, it was work. Maybe it’s because my dramatically sweetie face? (Ogh, damn! I did that ‘narsis’ again!)

Think I will be the only person whom wears a sport suit at that seminar room, since I will go there after I finish with my gym. Haven’t I told you, now I’m getting crazy to go to my gym, just to take a 10 laps swimming or Street Jam. Think it makes good effect for me. I feel so fresh and healthy day after day…


Tomorrow, I gotta date with someone to a French Performance. Its not a big circus but contemporary combination of acrobat, dance, music and magic… Should be fun for the first date. Hmmm…hm… (blushing).


Now, I have to back to work. I still have an hour to finish these Berita Acara that puff up on my desk… Fiuuh… Somebody, please help me out from this s#*t!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Jerawat Kebahagiaan, Part II

As you read on my previous post, ternyata ‘Pimple of Happiness’ yang dihadapi dengan positif ternyata benar-benar membawa kebahagiaan bagi penderitanya.

Okee.. Okee.. Baiklah, saya mengaku. Saya sedang mengalami Jerawat Kebahagiaan itu saat ini.

Kemarin, selepas saya menulis blog dan mengakhiri pekerjaan saya di kantor, saya langsung pergi ke salah satu sport club di bilangan Rasuna. Di locker room yang tak seberapa ramai itu, seorang cewek yang kebetulan sedang mencuci mukanya di sebelah saya (saat itu saya sedang menguncir rambut saya tepat diatas ubun-ubun ~~~ By the way, ada lho orang yang terheran-heran dengan cara saya menguncir rambut ini. Hehe.), mengamati wajah saya dengan seksama dan tiba-tiba berkata:

“Mbak, pake produk apa mukanya bisa bersih banget? Pasti perawatan ke dokter deh…”

~~~ Saya melongo, campuran rasa tidak percaya sekaligus tak enak hati karena tiba-tiba mendapat pujian dari orang tak dikenal.

Bayangkan! Saya, yang pada saat itu memiliki Jerawat Kebahagiaan di hidung, satu di pipi kanan dan tiga di pipi kiri, tiba-tiba dituduh melakukan perawatan khusus dengan dokter guna mendapatkan kulit wajah yang kinclong!

~~~ Dan sore itu…. Saya pun berolahraga dengan senyuman sempurna… :)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Jerawat Kebahagiaan

~~~Apaan tuch?

‘Jerawat Kebahagiaan’ atau istilah kerennya ‘Pimple of Happiness’ adalah sebuah peradangan pada kulit wajah yang bukan diakibatkan oleh stress, debu, PMS maupun sakit-sakit tertentu, namun merupakan dampak dari luapan perasaan senang yang berlebihan, atau disebut juga euphoria.

Jerawat ini biasanya muncul menyertai momen-momen spesial yang sangat jarang terjadi dalam hidup. Penderitanya merasa luar biasa relaks, excited, bahkan antusiasme tingkat tinggi yang disertai dengan nafsu makan meningkat o_O.

Hal ini pada akhirnya justru menciptakan ‘double effects’ pada jerawat yang bersangkutan. You know what I mean, lah – ukuran, kadar lama bertahan, serta nuansa warna yang dua kali lipat kekuatannya daripada jerawat biasa.

Beberapa orang yang mengalaminya, secara blak-blakan mengaku mengalami kesukaran-kesukaran dalam menghadapi ‘si tanda kebahagian ini’. Beberapa cara telah dicoba, seperti:

* Memakai C**t*a Anti Acne yang mengandung sari Green Tea
* Mencuci muka dengan L’*re*l Gentle
* Menotolkan obat jerawat keluaran E*h* Klinik setiap pagi dan malam
* Menghindari debu dengan meminimalkan penggunaan ojek

~~~Namun tak kunjung ampuh.

Akhirnya, ditemukanlah cara yang simply answering menanggapi masalah pelik itu; menikmati dan berserah diri akan keberadaannya. Toh kebahagiaan adalah hak semua orang dan we deserve it. Enjoy it, karena jika ada sesuatu hal yang bisa membuat kita bahagia, cara terindah untuk mensyukurinya adalah menunjukkannya kepada semua orang agar kebahagiaan kita menular kepada mereka.

~~~And you will get happier and happier…

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Super Shots

Okeh... Ini sebagian foto-foto di Anyer kemarin... Diedit mati-matian karena sebagian besar vulgar dan narsis.
Check it out!!!

Mam duren... nyam nyam....

Jet ski...

Ngantri di tattoo

Look at the belly...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dragon and Butterfly Tattoos

Hey… hey…

Saya baru pulang liburan akhir pekan.

Sekalipun badan saya pegal-pegal dan (sepertinya) darah tinggi saya kumat, but I truly had a good time!

Saya makan banyak sekali durian (looks like I had eaten 8 durians by myself), banyak sekali fresh seafood, berenang sepuas-puasnya (di pantai, di hotel saya sendiri dan di hotel tetangga.. Hehe..), jet skiing, main banana boat dan the last but not least… menginjak rumput dengan kaki telanjang, aktivitas yang kalau saya ingat kembali sudah berbulan-bulan tidak pernah saya lakukan.

Oh ya, saya juga sempat-sempatnya bikin tattoos; Naga di pergelangan kaki saya dan Kupu-kupu di tengkuk. They were great! I feel soooo sexy! (LOL)

Mungkin bermain seperti ini belakangan memang jarang saya lakukan. Dengan siklus waktu saya yang entah kenapa semakin hari nampak sempakin sempit dan terbatas, rasanya liburan jadi sesuatu yang sangat amat langka dan jadi salah satu rencana yang high expexted. Bahkan saya pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk meng-offline-kan handphone saya (Sorry, if you could not reached me, then…).

Next, I will show you my pictures there (oh, yeah…sure I’ve got it a lot!).

Monday, here I come!!! (Ogh, I recharged already!!!)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lonely Day

I could tell, from the minute I woke up
it was gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day
Rise and shine, rub the sleep out of my eyes
and try to tell myself I can't go back to bed
It's gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day

Even though the sun is shining down on me
and I should feel about as happy as can be
I just got here, and I already want to leave
It's gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day

Everybody knows that somethin's wrong
but nobody knows what's goin' on
We all sing that same old song
When you want it all to go away
It's shapin' up to be a lonely

(I'm so lonely....)

Kentang Keriting dan Toge Uap

Inilah dua makanan yang ternyata rasanya tak selucu namanya.

Jujur saja, saya tergoda membeli karena namanya yang ear catching, tanpa perduli dengan kalorinya yang besar dan kandungannya yang ternyata rentan menimbulkan diare.

Yang pertama dibeli di Ambassador, setelah sebelumnya tergantung-gantung di displaynya secara menggoda (dan secara saya memang gampang tergoda), hingga akhirnya saya pun membelinya. Rasanya? Hmm, STD! Dan tanpa efek keriting sama sekali! Wah, saya tertipu. Padahal katanya cemilan itu memenangkan penghargaan Super Brand di negara tetangga.

Yang kedua, dibeli pada saat saya nongkrong di sebuah warteg dekat kantor dengan beberapa teman. Tanpa peduli bahwa saat itu saya baru saja menghabiskan ‘makan sore’ saya, tulisan menggiurkan pada grobak pikul itu tanpa sadar telah menggerakkan tangan saya untuk memanggilnya. Hm..hmm.. rasanya tidak seperti yang saya harapkan dan sarat akan tauco (sekalipun saya habiskan juga sampai tandas).

Apa yang dapat kita simpulkan dari cerita di atas?
1. Jangan percaya begitu saja dengan kata-kata Super Brand
2. Jangan kelamaan nongkrong di warteg yang banyak dilalui jajanan
3. Jangan rakus
Ada pertanyaan?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hard Habit To Break

I guess I thought you'd be here forever
Another illusion I chose to create
You don't know what you got until it's gone
And I found out just a little too late

I was acting as if you were lucky to have me
Doin' you a favor,
I hardly knew you were there
But then you were gone and it all was wrong
Had no idea how much I cared

Now being without you
Takes a lot of getting used to
Should learn to live with it
But I don't want to

Being without you
Is all a big mistake
Instead of getting easier
It's the hardest thing to take
I'm addicted to ya babe
You're a hard habit to break

You found someone else you had every reason
You know I can't blame you for runnin' to him
Two people together but living alone
I was spreading my love too thin

After all of these yearsI'm still tryin' to shake it
Doin' much better, they say that it just takes time
But deep in the night it's an endless fight
I can't get ya out of my mind

(Someone sang this song to me and today...somehow I realized I do lost him too.)

Rum Di Dum-Dum Dum

Seven things that scare you:
1. Worms and it’s friends
2. Losing people I love
3. Follow by strangers
4. Pains and sickness
5. Lock in ladies toilet when there is no one to take you out
6. Slip my step by the high staircase and fall into the ground
7. Lost in space

Seven things you like most:
1. Chocolate
2. Beauty
3. Cats
4. Tidy room
5. Fresh air
6. My true love (Gotta find him yet)
7. Balado ikan kembung a la mama

Seven important things in your bedroom:
1. Rico (Mmmmwach! Love ya..)
2. My huge bed
3. Blanket
4. Mirror
5. Alarm clock
6. Mmm… pillows!
7. Air conditioner

Seven random facts about you:
1. People love me :)
2. People hate me
3. I work hard, I play HARDER
4. High achievement
5. Lovely
6. Great kisser (LOL)
7. I want to fly

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Go around the world
2. Grant mama the grandkids she wanted
3. Have my own house
4. Find my true love
5. Get in to business and succeed in it
6. Paralayang

Seven things you can do:
1. Sing
2. Play
3. Write
4. Get on well with people
5. Swim
6. Walk like a model
7. Fantasize great things

Seven things you can’t do:
1. Smoking
2. Split my legs
3. Be cruel to animals
4. Motorcycling
5. Be totally good
6. Play music instruments except piano
7. Fly

Seven things that attract you to opposite sex:
1. Body scent
2. Skin
3. Smart and intelligent
4. Nice lips
5. Clean nails
6. Know how to treat ladies
7. Money

Seven things you say the most:
1. Hello
2. Du..du.. (bye)
3. Teng..teng.. (thanx)
4. So?
5. Well..
6. Hey!
7. Ada deeech…

Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
1. David Beckham
2. Will Smith
3. Tuing… tuing…
4. Mmm…
5. Uhm…
6. Who else…?
7. Damn! I don’t know.

Seven people you want to see to take this quiz:
1. David Beckham
2. Will Smith
3. tuing… tuing…
4. Mmm…
5. Uhm…
6. Who else…?
7. Damn! I Don’t know.