Rum Di Dum-Dum Dum
Seven things that scare you:
1. Worms and it’s friends
2. Losing people I love
3. Follow by strangers
4. Pains and sickness
5. Lock in ladies toilet when there is no one to take you out
6. Slip my step by the high staircase and fall into the ground
7. Lost in space
Seven things you like most:
1. Chocolate
2. Beauty
3. Cats
4. Tidy room
5. Fresh air
6. My true love (Gotta find him yet)
7. Balado ikan kembung a la mama
Seven important things in your bedroom:
1. Rico (Mmmmwach! Love ya..)
2. My huge bed
3. Blanket
4. Mirror
5. Alarm clock
6. Mmm… pillows!
7. Air conditioner
Seven random facts about you:
1. People love me :)
2. People hate me
3. I work hard, I play HARDER
4. High achievement
5. Lovely
6. Great kisser (LOL)
7. I want to fly
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Go around the world
2. Grant mama the grandkids she wanted
3. Have my own house
4. Find my true love
5. Get in to business and succeed in it
6. Paralayang
Seven things you can do:
1. Sing
2. Play
3. Write
4. Get on well with people
5. Swim
6. Walk like a model
7. Fantasize great things
Seven things you can’t do:
1. Smoking
2. Split my legs
3. Be cruel to animals
4. Motorcycling
5. Be totally good
6. Play music instruments except piano
7. Fly
Seven things that attract you to opposite sex:
1. Body scent
2. Skin
3. Smart and intelligent
4. Nice lips
5. Clean nails
6. Know how to treat ladies
7. Money
Seven things you say the most:
1. Hello
2. Du..du.. (bye)
3. Teng..teng.. (thanx)
4. So?
5. Well..
6. Hey!
7. Ada deeech…
Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
1. David Beckham
2. Will Smith
3. Tuing… tuing…
4. Mmm…
5. Uhm…
6. Who else…?
7. Damn! I don’t know.
Seven people you want to see to take this quiz:
1. David Beckham
2. Will Smith
3. tuing… tuing…
4. Mmm…
5. Uhm…
6. Who else…?
7. Damn! I Don’t know.